Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Senator-elect Marco Rubio a Conscious Conservative?

 I have been examining if the new "Tea Party" supported candidates will make a Conscience Conservative difference once they enter office.  I looked first at Nikki Haley, Governor-elect of South Carolina, and determined that she appears as much a Unconscious Conservative or Liberal as she does a Conscious Conservative.  Then I examined Wisconsin's Senator-elect, Ron Johnson and found that he appears to be a Conscious Conservative with some unconscious conservative leanings

I now look at Florida's Senator-elect, Marco Rubio to see how he stacks up as a Conscious Conservative.


Reducing Federal Government/Cutting Spending                Conscious Conservative

Balanced Budget Amendment                                           Unconscious Conservative

Repeal Government Health Care                                       Conscious Conservative

Strong Foreign Intervention/Support Israel                          Unconscious Conservative

Modify Federal Education Mandates                                 Unconscious Conservative

Marco Rubio appears to be an Unconscious Conservative with some Conscious Conservative leanings.  Depending on which alliances he has in the Senate, he may help make a Conscious Conservative difference.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is Senator-elect Ron Johnson a Conscious Conservative?

 I have been examining if the new "Tea Party" supported candidates will make a Conscience Conservative difference once they enter office.  I looked first at Nikki Haley, Governor-elect of South Carolina, and determined that she appears as much a Unconscious Conservative or Liberal as she does a Conscious Conservative.

I now look at Wisconsin's Senator-elect, Ron Johnson to see how he stacks up as a Conscious Conservative.


Reducing Taxes/Cutting Spending                                       Conscious Conservative

Repeal Government Health Care                                        Conscious Conservative

Increase Domestic Energy Production                                Unconscious Conservative

Reduce Federal Education Mandates                                 Unconscious Conservative

Supporting Free Trade in Agriculture                                  Conscious Conservative

Ron Johnson appears to be a Conscious Conservative with some unconscious conservative leanings.  If he can make alliances in the Senate, he may make a Conscious Conservative difference.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Time for A Change? Do Tea Party Politics Make A Difference

Much has been made about "Tea Party" candidates winning in the recent election.  I have more questions than answers when I ponder whether or not these candidates can move the government in a Conscious Conservative direction.  Is the system so broken that these people couldn't change it if they wanted?  Are these newly elected persons incredibly outnumbered?  Will candidates stay true to their values once in office?  There are many more questions.  I think there is one key question.  Are the "Tea Party" newly elected officials conservative and are they Conscious Conservatives?  I will examine this question in my next few posts by examining the political stances that these people made during the election.

I will start with Nikki Haley, Governor-Elect of South Carolina

Stated Stances (from her web site)

Cap Government Spending                                            Conscious Conservative

Term Limits                                                                   Liberal/Socialist

Tough Immigration Laws                                               Unconscious Conservative

Equalize Education Funding                                           Liberal/Socialist

Expand Charter Schools                                                Unconscious Conservative

Protect 2nd Amendment Rights                                     Conscious Conservative

As you can see, Nikki Haley appears to be an Unconscious Conservative with as many liberal leanings as Conscious Conservative positions.  Do you think that she will make a difference in politics as usual?


  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...