Thursday, June 20, 2024

Adam Smith and the Foundations of Economic Liberty: Central Banking Unveiled


Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, bestowed upon the world a treasure trove of wisdom and insight. Among his myriad contributions, Smith's views on central banking stand as pillars of economic thought. In this article, we delve into Adam Smith's profound perspectives on central banking, illuminated by his own words.

The Invisible Hand and Economic Liberty

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest." - Adam Smith

Smith's profound understanding of self-interest and the invisible hand of the market was the bedrock of his economic philosophy. He believed that individuals, guided by their self-interest, could create wealth and prosperity for society as a whole. Central to his views was the notion that markets should be free from excessive government interference.

The Perils of Central Banking

Smith's stance on central banking was rooted in his belief in the virtues of limited government intervention. He viewed central banks as potential sources of instability and danger.

"The silver and gold, when separated from the currency, and from the plate, and employed in foreign trade, have still a value; but in those uses they have no more value than so much lead or iron." - Adam Smith

Smith was wary of paper money issued by central banks, recognizing that it could lead to inflation and a depreciation of the currency's value. He believed that the stability of a nation's currency was crucial for economic prosperity.

The Role of Sound Money

"When the quantity of money increases, this serves no other purpose than to increase the money-prices of goods." - Adam Smith

Smith's views on sound money were clear: a stable and reliable currency was essential for the proper functioning of markets. He cautioned against any tampering with the money supply that could disrupt the natural balance of prices and distort economic decisions.

The Importance of Competition

"People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public." - Adam Smith

Smith's vision of competition as a powerful force for good extended to the realm of banking. He believed that a competitive banking system, rather than a monopolistic central bank, would serve the public interest better by offering choices and preventing abuses.


Adam Smith's views on central banking continue to resonate in the modern world. He championed economic liberty, self-interest, and competition as the cornerstones of prosperity. His cautionary words about the dangers of excessive government control and unsound money are especially pertinent in today's complex financial landscape. As we navigate the intricacies of central banking, Adam Smith's enduring wisdom reminds us of the timeless principles that underpin economic freedom and individual prosperity.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Exposing the Beast: Shocking Tales of IRS Power Abuses

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for enforcing tax laws in the United States. While the vast majority of IRS activities are carried out professionally and within the bounds of the law, there have been instances in which critics have alleged abuses or misconduct by the agency. Here's a list of some reported IRS enforcement abuses:

Targeting of Political Groups (2013): One of the most high-profile cases involved the IRS allegedly targeting conservative political groups applying for tax-exempt status. The IRS subjected these groups to extra scrutiny and delays in their applications.

  1. Leak of Taxpayer Information (2015): In 2015, an IRS employee was accused of illegally disclosing tax return information for political purposes. The information was reportedly leaked to the media.

  2. Asset Forfeiture Abuse: Critics argue that the IRS has misused civil asset forfeiture laws to seize the assets of individuals and businesses suspected of tax evasion or other financial crimes, sometimes without sufficient due process protections.

  3. Whistleblower Retaliation: There have been allegations that the IRS has retaliated against whistleblowers within the agency who exposed misconduct, fraud, or mismanagement.

  4. Selective Enforcement: Critics have accused the IRS of selectively targeting individuals or groups based on their political beliefs, ethnicity, or other factors.

  5. Abusive Audits: Some taxpayers have claimed that they were subjected to overly aggressive or invasive audits by the IRS, which they viewed as harassment.

  6. Improper Seizure of Property: Allegations have been made that the IRS has improperly seized property and assets, including bank accounts, homes, and businesses, in cases of alleged tax non-compliance.

  7. Overreach of Tax Collection Methods: Critics argue that the IRS has occasionally overstepped its authority in using tactics such as wage garnishment, bank levies, or liens without due process protections.

  8. Discrimination Against Certain Taxpayers: Accusations have been made that the IRS has unfairly targeted specific groups, industries, or individuals for punitive actions or audits.

  9. Inadequate Safeguards for Taxpayer Rights: Some argue that the IRS does not provide sufficient safeguards for taxpayer rights, potentially violating due process principles.

It's important to note that these allegations represent a minority of cases within the IRS, and many of them have been addressed or investigated by relevant authorities. The vast majority of IRS employees work diligently to administer tax laws fairly and uphold taxpayer rights. However, concerns about IRS enforcement practices have prompted ongoing discussions about accountability, transparency, and due process protections within the agency.

Monday, June 3, 2024

#1 Hit Video Short for the Week of 05/26/2024

The Southern Poverty Law Center is one of the organizations which fights against the practice of Policing for Profit.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Exposing the Radical Truth: William F. Buckley Jr.'s Uncompromising Anti-Government Stance!

William F. Buckley Jr., the founder of National Review and a prominent conservative intellectual, had a profound impact on American political thought. His beliefs on the relationship between the individual and government reflected a commitment to limited government, individual liberty, and a deep skepticism of government overreach. Let's explore some of William F. Buckley Jr.'s key beliefs on this subject, supported by relevant quotes from his writings and speeches.

1. Limited Government:

Buckley was a strong advocate for limited government, emphasizing that government should have a restrained role in the lives of individuals. He believed in the importance of individual freedoms and personal responsibility:

"I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 people on the faculty of Harvard University."

This quote underscores his belief in the wisdom of ordinary citizens over an overreaching government.

2. Individual Liberty:

Buckley valued individual liberty as a fundamental principle of conservatism. He believed that individuals should have the freedom to make their own choices and decisions without undue government interference:

"The larger the slice taken by government, the smaller the cake available for everyone."

He argued that excessive government intervention could stifle personal freedom and economic opportunity.

3. Fiscal Conservatism:

Buckley was a proponent of fiscal conservatism and responsible government spending. He believed in the importance of a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility:

"Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive."

He argued that government should be financially prudent and not burden future generations with debt.

4. Skepticism of Centralized Power:

Buckley was deeply skeptical of concentrated political power and believed in the need for checks and balances to prevent government tyranny:

"I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University."

This quote reflects his belief in the importance of decentralization and accountability in government.

5. Free Market Economics:

Buckley championed free-market principles and believed in the power of capitalism to drive economic growth and innovation:

"The free market is not an ideology or a creed or something we go to the mat for. It's just a measuring rod."

He saw the free market as a tool for efficiently allocating resources and promoting individual initiative.

William F. Buckley Jr.'s beliefs on the relationship between the individual and government emphasized limited government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, skepticism of centralized power, and free-market economics. He believed that government should protect individual rights and freedoms while avoiding unnecessary intrusion into the lives of citizens. Buckley's ideas continue to shape conservative thought in the United States, particularly in discussions about the proper role of government in society and the importance of individual freedom and responsibility.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Berman v. Parker: How This Landmark Case Paved the Way for Government Overreach in Property Seizures

Berman v. Parker (1954) is a significant Supreme Court decision that upheld the use of eminent domain for urban redevelopment purposes, including the elimination of blight and slums. While the decision was a landmark in urban planning and redevelopment, it also generated various objections and criticisms. Here are some arguments against Berman v. Parker, along with quotes from those who expressed these concerns:

  1. Property Rights and Takings: Berman v. Parker expanded the scope of eminent domain to an extent that it could infringe upon property rights and lead to unjust takings. Berman v. Parker opened the door to government overreach, where private property can be taken for the mere promise of increased tax revenue or economic development.

  2. Government Abuse of Power: It could potentially enable government officials to abuse their power by favoring certain developers or interests over others. Berman v. Parker gives government officials immense authority to pick winners and losers in redevelopment projects, often at the expense of marginalized communities.

  3. Economic Displacement and Gentrification: Urban redevelopment projects following Berman v. Parker have often led to the displacement of low-income residents and contributed to gentrification. While redevelopment may have good intentions, it often results in the forced removal of vulnerable communities and the loss of affordable housing.

  4. Lack of Adequate Compensation: Property owners affected by eminent domain may not receive just and fair compensation for their properties, leading to financial hardship. The promise of 'just compensation' is often elusive, and many property owners find themselves undercompensated for their losses.

  5. Erosion of Community Identity: Urban redevelopment, as allowed by Berman v. Parker, can disrupt the social fabric of neighborhoods and erode their unique identities. Our communities are more than just buildings. Berman v. Parker has enabled the destruction of the social and cultural heritage of many neighborhoods.

  6. Impact on Small Businesses: The decision's application in urban renewal projects has sometimes led to the displacement of small businesses, which may struggle to recover. Small businesses, often the heart of vibrant neighborhoods, can be casualties of redevelopment projects enabled by Berman v. Parker.

  7. Growth of Government Power: Berman v. Parker expanded the authority of government to intervene in private property matters, potentially leading to further government overreach. The decision has given the government a dangerous amount of power to dictate how and where private property can be used, challenging individual freedoms.

While Berman v. Parker was a pivotal Supreme Court decision in the realm of urban redevelopment, it also sparked significant objections and debates, primarily regarding property rights, government power, and the potential negative impacts on communities and individuals affected by eminent domain actions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

#1 Hit Video Short from the Week of 05/19/2024

In The Road to Serfdom, Nobel Prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek warns against the inevitable failures of central planning and if favor of limited government and a free market.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day: Honoring Sacrifice, Questioning Motives

Memorial Day, a time-honored tradition in the United States, is dedicated to remembering and expressing gratitude for the brave men and women of the Armed Services who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. As we honor their courage and dedication, it is imperative to reflect on the circumstances that led to their sacrifices and to critically examine the political decisions that sent them into harm's way.

Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

Memorial Day is a solemn occasion to pay tribute to those who have laid down their lives in service to their country. These individuals exhibited unparalleled bravery and commitment, often facing insurmountable odds with unyielding resolve. We owe them a debt of gratitude that can never truly be repaid. Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay, but we can honor their sacrifice by remembering their courage and dedication.

Questioning the Justification

While we honor our fallen heroes, it is also essential to acknowledge the painful reality that many of these lives were lost in conflicts that served to advance political power and protect corporate interests rather than genuine national security concerns. This harsh truth casts a shadow over the noble sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.

Throughout history, both the Republican and Democratic parties have been complicit in leading the United States into wars that were not always justified by the threats posed. From Woodrow Wilson's entry into World War I to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, American soldiers have often been sent into battle for reasons that were less about defending freedom and more about political agendas and economic gain.

Disdain for Political Decisions

Woodrow Wilson led the United States into World War I, a conflict that many historians argue was more about geopolitical maneuvering and economic interests than about the defense of democracy. His decisions resulted in the loss of countless American lives.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt guided the country through World War II, a necessary fight against fascism, but his administration's policies also set the stage for the military-industrial complex that has influenced American foreign policy ever since.

Harry Truman's decision to engage in the Korean War and Lyndon Baines Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam War further entrenched the U.S. in conflicts that many believe were avoidable. The Vietnam War, in particular, became a symbol of political misjudgment, costing over 58,000 American lives.

George Walker Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003 under the pretense of weapons of mass destruction, which were never found, led to a protracted conflict that claimed thousands of American lives and destabilized the region.

Quote: "Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die." — Herbert Hoover

A Call for Accountability

As we remember and honor those who died in service to their country, it is crucial to hold our political leaders accountable for their decisions. The sacrifices made by our soldiers demand more than ceremonial recognition; they require a commitment to ensuring that future generations are not needlessly sent into conflict.

The Republican and Democratic parties have both played roles in leading the nation into wars that have had devastating consequences. It is time for a reexamination of the motives behind these conflicts and a push for a foreign policy that truly prioritizes the well-being of the nation and its citizens over political and corporate interests.

Quote: "War is a racket. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the very many." — Smedley D. Butler

This Memorial Day, as we honor the memory of those who have died in service to their country, let us also vow to question and challenge the political decisions that lead to unnecessary wars. By doing so, we can strive to create a future where the sacrifices of our servicemen and women are never in vain and where the true values of democracy and peace are upheld.


  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...