Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Conservative Rating System Part II

     In an earlier post, I outlined ten conservative principles that I turned into a 100 point scale.  By using this scale, I believe that Politicians, Pundits and Public Figures can be scored to determine their level of conservatism.

     I eventually plan to rate various people and use statistical analysis to determine a rating system that accurately identifies Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals.  Until that time, I suggest the following scale:

0-30 points         Liberal

35-65 points       Moderate

70-100 points     Conservative

    Rate yourself.  Look at the ten principles in the earlier post.  For each principle you agree with completely, give yourself 10 points.  For each one you agree with partially or are undecided about, give yourself 5 points. For each principle you disagree with, add zero points.  Compare your score to the scale above.  Go ahead, ask yourself, how conservative am I?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Conservative Book List --- What's Howard Reading?

What Howard's Reading This Week

     Rich Dad's Real Estate Advantages 
is a decent book that gives me some ideas of how to save taxes.  I just have to remember to check with my local CPA first.

Matt Jensen - Savage Territory 
is a good book from William Johnstone's "Last Mountain Man" Series. The link above is for the Kindle version.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Conservative Rating System

           One of the things that attracted me to conservative thought was its staunch opposition to collectivism.  The Cold War was at its pinnacle as I was coming of age, so many Conservatives were leading the forces against communism.  I drew from this that to be conservative was to be anti-totalitarian and anti-communist.
           With this idea in mind, I have devised a quick rating system to score public figures, pundits and politicians.  I began by looking at the Communist Manifesto.  I first took the opposite of the ten "principles" of the Communist Manifesto to create a set of Conservative Principles. 

           By examining a public figure's, pundit's or politician's statements and actions on each of these principles, a person can be scored as either agreeing with the principle completely (10 points), agreeing with the principle partially (5 points), or not agreeing with the principle at all (0 points).  This creates an easy 100 point scale which can be used to give a "Conservative Rating" to each individual.

Conservative Principles: 

1.    Private property rights must be universal and strongly protected.  Government should control the minimal amount of property necessary to carry out good governance and protect citizens from forces that would do them harm, both foreign and domestic.

2.    There should be no income tax or other forms of direct taxation.

3.    The legal transfer of wealth from generation to generation must not be encumbered.

4.    The State should not be able to confiscate privately held property without due process of law; nor should private property be taken for public use.

5.    The function of banking and credit should be carried out by competing private interests.  No State sponsored bank or credit institution should be allowed to exist.

6.    All people should be allowed to freely speak, assemble, worship, communicate and travel without interference from the State.

7.    All lands, factories and instruments of production shall be owned by private entities and market forces should be trusted to assure the best possible allocation of all resources.

8.    Free people should be allowed to trade their labor for whatever ends they wish.  The State owns no person and should not direct any person as to how they use their skills, talents or intellect.

9.    Government should have no interest in where people choose to live.  Each person should be free to choose where they live with respect to other people.

10. Education of children is the responsibility of parents.  People should be free to raise their children according to their own background and culture, as long as to do so causes no tangible harm.

I plan to use this system in the near future to give a "Conservative Rating" to some candidates and other public figures.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Conservative Book List --- What's Howard Reading?

  I'm usually reading two books at once.  Or, more accurately, I usually read one book at home and have a recorded book in my vehicle.  I thought some Conscious Conservatives might be interested in books that will either broaden their education, be entertaining or both.  Here's what I'm reading.

Righteous Warrior:  Jesse Helms and the Rise of Modern Conservatism
by William A. Link 

The Real Book of Real Estate:  Real Experts.  Real Stories.  Real Life.

by Robert Kiyosaki

 Feel free to add your own reading suggestions in the comments section.


  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...