Sunday, January 27, 2019

It's Tax Time Again

  Image result for IRS

It is the time of year again when people start to pay tribute to their master in the form of the Income Tax.  Not only do people have to pay the government, but they spend valuable time telling the government how much they have to pay.  The average person spends 8 hours to prepare their tax return.  The IRS gets this free labor out of people because it tricks most into paying too much throughout the year.  Then people have to justify getting their own money back.

This year will probably take more time.  Why?  Because the rules have changed.  The 2018 Tax Reform changed what is deductible, what isn't and what is but not like it used to be.  As usual, the IRS has printed a publication IRS Publication 5307 Tax Reform Basics for Individuals and Families .  With its typical simplicity, the basic publication is twelve pages long and contains phrases like:  "federal law controls the characterization of the payments for federal income tax purposes regardless of the characterization of the payments under state law."

The Republicans blew their chance as usual.  They could have greatly simplified the tax code when they controlled both chambers of Congress and the presidency.  Instead, they bowed to the usual suspects and used the tax code to reward friends and punish enemies.  They made the code more complicated, not less.  So now people will be spending more of their valuable time learning new rules and filing to get money back that belongs to them in the first place.  It is time for real tax reform.  Let's start the debate with a flat income tax rate for everyone of 0%.       

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jesse Ventura Goes Green?

Several news outlets have reported that former professional wrestler, actor and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura is considering both a return to the ring and a run for President of the United States.  There is a Facebook page Jesse Ventura for President devoted to his run as a Green party candidate.  If Ventura runs, it will be interesting to see both the effects on the election and on the Green Party.

Image result for jesse ventura for president

Ventura's politics tends to be populist in the form of Donald Trump. He will have appeal with a lot of the same population.  If Trump does not make more progress on The Wall, Repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and Tax Reform, will some of those votes switch?  What will the GOP do to Ventura if they feel he is taking away votes?  The biggest obstacle will be in Ventura having the money and organization to get the Green Party on enough ballots to make a difference.

Although the Green Party was founded primarily on environmental issues and core principles such as Grass Roots Democracy and Ecological Wisdom Green Party US-- Ten Key Values , the US branch has become a haven for radical socialist Expats from the Democratic Party.  The Jill Stein presidential campaign went far afield of the Green core values into the territory of minimum wage and "LGBTQEA+"  issues.

Will Ventura embrace the core Green principles of environmental wisdom and local political control and bring the Green Party back to its core?  Or will Ventura continue to press his own populist issues, like marijuana legalization and tax reform?  Would his personality bring enough new people into the Green Party to alter the party's future?

It will be very interesting if he runs.  Especially if he can get enough ballot access and support to rattle the Republican Party and Donald Trump.


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