Thursday, February 29, 2024

Government Cronyism Sanctified: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Kelo Decision


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The Kelo v. City of New London (545 U.S. 469 2005) decision, handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, generated significant objections and criticism from various quarters. The case allowed the use of eminent domain for private economic development purposes, and many argued that it undermined property rights and expanded the power of government. Here are some objections to the Kelo decision, along with quotes from prominent figures expressing those objections:

  1. Concerns about Property Rights: Many believed that the decision eroded property rights by allowing the government to seize private property for the benefit of private developers. "The Kelo decision chips away at the very foundation of property rights, and that's something we should all be worried about." - Ron Paul

  2. Impact on Vulnerable Communities: Critics argued that eminent domain could disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, as they often lacked the resources to fight such case "The Kelo decision means that the politically weak will be at the mercy of the politically strong." - Clarence Thomas, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

  3. Conflict of Interest: Concerns were raised about the potential for collusion between government officials and private developers, leading to decisions that prioritize profit over public interest.

    Quote: "The Kelo case essentially allows the government to take your property and give it to a wealthier private party with more political influence." - Institute for Justice

  4. Diminishing Public Trust: Critics argued that such decisions could erode public trust in government institutions and the fairness of the legal system. "When the government can take your home or business and hand it to someone else just because they promise to generate more tax revenue, it shakes the public's faith in the system." - George W. Bush, former U.S. President

  5. Unintended Consequences: Some believed that allowing eminent domain for private development could have unintended negative consequences for economic development. "By endorsing these types of seizures, the Kelo decision discourages private investment because property owners fear their investments could be taken." - Richard Epstein, legal scholar

  6. Need for Legislative Action: Many called for legislative reforms to limit the scope of eminent domain, emphasizing the need to protect property rights. "The Kelo decision highlights the importance of state legislatures taking action to prevent this kind of abuse of eminent domain." - Sandra Day O'Connor, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice

  7. Public Outcry: The Kelo case sparked a nationwide public outcry, with many expressing their discontent with the decision. "Kelo was a wake-up call for Americans who value their property rights and cherish their homes." - Dana Berliner, attorney for Susette Kelo (plaintiff in the case)

The Kelo decision remains a controversial and debated topic in the realm of property rights and eminent domain, with objections stemming from concerns about the potential abuse of government power and the impact on individual property owners.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Federalist Paper #2: The Necessity of a Strong Union in a Dangerous World


Federalist Paper #2, authored by John Jay, continues the Federalist Papers series by emphasizing the importance of a strong federal union in a world filled with external and internal threats. Published in 1787 under the pseudonym "Publius," this essay addresses the dangers that the United States would face if it remained divided among several sovereign states. Jay's compelling arguments in this paper underscore the urgent need for a more centralized federal government.

Here are some relevant excerpts from Federalist Paper #2:

  1. The Dangers of Division: Jay highlights the vulnerability of a disunited America: "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs…"

Jay emphasizes that the people of the United States share a common heritage, culture, and language. This unity should serve as a foundation for a strong federal union, as it allows for shared values and a sense of collective identity.

  1. External Threats: The author stresses the potential threats that a divided nation might face from foreign powers: "With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs."

Jay argues that a divided America would be vulnerable to foreign manipulation and aggression. A strong, united nation would be better equipped to defend itself and protect its interests.

  1. Dissension and Anarchy: The dangers of internal strife and discord are discussed: "The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights."

Here, Jay warns that if the states fail to unite under a strong central government, the chaos and instability resulting from conflict and insecurity could lead to the erosion of civil and political rights.

The Importance of Federalist Paper #2

Federalist Paper #2 is a crucial contribution to the Federalist Papers series for several reasons:

  1. National Unity: Jay underscores the significance of a united and cohesive nation, highlighting shared values, language, and culture as a foundation for a strong federal government.

  2. External Threats: The paper reminds readers of the real-world dangers that a disunited America could face from foreign powers.

  3. Domestic Stability: Jay's discussion of the potential for internal strife and the erosion of rights underscores the importance of a strong federal government in maintaining domestic stability.

  4. Patriotic Appeal: The essay appeals to the patriotism of the American people, encouraging them to unite for the common good and the protection of their shared way of life.

Federalist Paper #2, authored by John Jay, effectively argues for the necessity of a strong federal union to safeguard the United States from both internal discord and external threats. This paper, along with the others in the Federalist Papers series, played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the time and influencing the eventual ratification of the United States Constitution, which established the framework for the nation's government. Jay's persuasive arguments in this essay continue to resonate as a reminder of the importance of unity in maintaining a strong and stable nation.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Breaking Through: The Challenge of Third Parties in America's Two-Party System

Abraham Lincoln was the last alternative party candidate to win the presidency.  
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; transfer from the National Gallery of Art; gift of the A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, 1942

 Gaining power as an alternative political party in the United States can be a challenging endeavor due to the dominance of the two major parties, the Republican and Democratic parties. However, it is not impossible, and history has shown that third parties can have an impact on American politics. Here are some strategies and quotes that reflect the approach an alternative political party might take:

1. Building Grassroots Support:

  • An alternative party can gain traction by building a dedicated and passionate base of supporters at the local level. This involves organizing community events, participating in local government, and engaging in grassroots activism.

2. Focus on Key Issues:

Identify and champion key issues that resonate with a significant portion of the electorate. Consistently articulate your party's stance on these issues and work to distinguish your platform from that of the major parties.

"In politics, conviction and principle should always come before party loyalty." — U. S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

3. Electoral Strategy:

Focus on local and state elections to establish a presence in government. Building a track record of successful governance at lower levels can increase your party's credibility and visibility.

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." — Samuel Adams

4. Inclusivity and Coalition Building:

  • Collaborate with like-minded groups and individuals, even if they are not part of your party. Building coalitions can help amplify your message and broaden your appeal to a wider range of voters.

  • "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." — Best selling Poet Mattie Stepanek

5. Raise Awareness and Education:

  • Educate the public about your party's platform and principles. Utilize social media, public events, and media appearances to raise awareness about your party and its solutions.

  • "The best weapon against propaganda and misinformation is education." — Author Matt Haig

6. Perseverance and Long-Term Vision:

  • Understand that gaining power as an alternative party is a long-term endeavor. Be prepared for setbacks and challenges but remain committed to your party's mission.

"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces." — Humorist Will Rogers

Gaining power as an alternative political party in the United States is indeed a formidable task, but by building a dedicated base of supporters, focusing on key issues, participating in elections, forming coalitions, educating the public, and maintaining a long-term vision, alternative parties can influence the political landscape and work toward achieving their goals.

Monday, February 26, 2024

The American Conservative Union: Championing Conservative Values

The American Conservative Union (ACU) is a prominent organization dedicated to advancing conservative principles and promoting conservative values in American politics. Since its establishment in 1964, the ACU, , has played a pivotal role in shaping conservative policy and providing a platform for conservatives to unite and advocate for their beliefs. In this article, we will explore the organization's history, founders, prominent figures, goals, and notable accomplishments.

The American Conservative Union was founded in 1964 by William F. Buckley, Jr., a renowned conservative intellectual and the founder of National Review, and Robert E. Bauman, a lawyer and conservative activist. The organization was created in response to a growing need to mobilize and unite conservative voices in the United States. Its founders believed in the importance of a strong, organized conservative movement to counterbalance the influence of liberal ideology and to promote their principles.

Prominent Figures:

William F. Buckley, Jr.: As one of the co-founders of the ACU, William F. Buckley, Jr. was a towering figure in conservative intellectual circles. His work as a writer, commentator, and founder of National Review significantly influenced the conservative movement.

David Keene: David Keene served as the chairman of the ACU for many years and played a key role in expanding the organization's reach and influence.

Matt Schlapp: Matt Schlapp is a prominent conservative figure who served as the chairman of the ACU and has been actively involved in conservative advocacy and organizing.

The ACU's mission is to promote conservative principles and values in American politics. Some of its key goals and principles include:

Advocating for limited government and fiscal responsibility.

Supporting a strong national defense and a robust foreign policy.

Protecting constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment.

Promoting free-market capitalism and economic freedom.

Defending traditional family values and the sanctity of life.

The American Conservative Union has achieved several notable accomplishments throughout its history, including:

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC): The ACU hosts the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which has become a flagship event for conservatives across the nation. CPAC serves as a platform for conservative leaders and activists to gather, network, and discuss conservative principles.

Legislative Ratings: The ACU is known for its annual Conservative Ratings of Congress, which assess the voting records of members of Congress based on their adherence to conservative principles. This information is valuable for conservative voters to evaluate their elected representatives.

Advocacy for Second Amendment Rights: The ACU has been a staunch defender of Second Amendment rights and has played a significant role in promoting pro-Second Amendment policies and opposing gun control measures.

Promoting Conservative Candidates: The ACU has actively supported and endorsed conservative candidates who align with its principles, helping them gain prominence and influence in American politics.

The American Conservative Union has been a driving force in American conservatism for nearly six decades. With a rich history, dedicated founders, prominent figures, and a clear mission, the organization has made a substantial impact in shaping conservative policy and values in the United States. Its commitment to limited government, strong national defense, individual liberty, and traditional values continues to have a lasting influence on the conservative movement in America.


  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...