Like millions of other proud Americans, I recently put together all of my forms, wrote my check to the US Treasury and marched my tax records down to the Post Office. Unlike many, I decided to take a close look at my tax documents and calculate how much of my earnings actually goes to taxes each year. Without revealing too much of my business, I will say that my family's annual income is close to the median and probably in a range with a majority taxpayers out there.
My taxes beak down like this:
FICA/Medicare 13.3%
Federal Income Tax 9.5%
State Income Tax 2.2%
State/Local Sales Tax 1.8%
Property Tax 1.5%
Gasoline Tax 1.0%
Utility Taxes 0.5%
TOTAL 29.8%
As you can see, about 30% on my earnings are confiscated each year by various government entities. Include the multitude of other irregular taxes (rental car, event ticket, environmental or airport fees), this amount can easily equal 1/3 of a family's income. I challenge everyone to just look at the categories I listed above and determine their personal tax burden. For just about everyone, the amount is excessive. In my case, I pay twice as much in taxes as I do for utilities, 4X as much as I pay for groceries and 8X as much as I pay for housing. People now pay more in tribute to the government than they pay for their basic needs. That fact as much as anything else shows that TAXES ARE TOO HIGH!!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Conservative View--Allow Access to Ballots
As the Presidential election approaches, it looks like America will have the choice of Obama vs. Romney (aka Obama lite). Across the country, Republican and Democratic candidates will fill ballots in hopes of a "coattails" victory. America will hear the same tired ideas again and again. It doesn't have to be this way.
A major way that Democrats and Republicans use to maintain power is government printed ballots. There was a time when ballots were not printed. Voters had to either write the names of candidates on ballots or use ballots printed by various political organizations. At that time, as little as 58% of incumbents were re-elected according to the Ballot Access News . In modern times, usually more than 85% are re-elected. Incumbents use restrictions of access to government printed ballots to control competition. This leads to the same ideas from the same candidates, over and over and over again.
What if we didn't have ballot restrictions? What if any person qualified to hold an office could be on the ballot for that office by following a simple procedure? That seems to be fairer and better for America than having candidates swear loyalty to the Democratic or Republican Party before they can run for office. Won't the ballot be confusing if there are too many candidates? Data from other countries with less restrictive ballot laws show that there are usually only five or six people on the ballot. I think that is far better that the United States, where Republican or Democratic candidates often run unopposed.
Doesn't a person need the backing of a Party to win? It is easier to win an election if you have an organization like a political party backing you. However, there are at least three alternative parties that would be ready to go if their candidates could easily appear on government ballots. The Libertarian Party has more than 250,000 registered members and over 300 elected officials (mostly in non-partisan office) nationwide. The Green Party is an international movement that is good at attracting high profile (Ralph Nader) candidates. The Constitution/American Independent Party(California) has more than 400,000 registered members. Any of these parties could support viable candidates if they could get them on the ballot. As a Conscious Conservative, I believe this probably will not happen soon. Democrats and Republicans are afraid of the competition.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Conservative Book List --- What's Howard Reading?
After watching Part I and in anticipation of Part II, I've decided to read Atlas Shrugged.
This Ayn Rand classic still holds up after 50 years.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Paul Campaign Calls Etch a Sketch Game
The Ron Paul campaign released a new advertisement that scolds the media and other Republican candidates for talking so much about the Etch a Sketch comment when there are serious issues to discuss. Eric Fehrnstrom, a Romney aide, used the example of an Etch a Sketch toy when referring to the difference between a primary election campaign and a general election campaign. The press and Romney opponents jumped on the statement, trying to make it a campaign issue. Ron Paul's new advertisement asks if people are "tired of the games."
The Paul advertisement talks about a "$15 Trillion Debt," "12 Million Americans Unemployed," and "A Country At War," as the issues candidates should be addressing. As you can read in an earlier post, I see the Etch a Sketch issue as a Dog and Pony Show that has come to the forefront because the press and the candidates are afraid to discuss the real issues. Ron Paul calls for discussion of "A Serious Plan To Restore America Now." As a Conscious Conservative, I couldn't agree with him more.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Inflation Kills Social Security
The ability of the United States Government to continue to provide Social Security benefits and when money will no longer be available to pay those benefits has been a topic of debate for longer than I can remember. Lately, many remedies have been proposed for modifying Social Security. Some of these include means testing, raising taxes on the wealthy and raising the age to receive benefits. Unfortunately, I have not heard a plan to address one of the root causes of the benefit shortfall, inflation.
The problem with inflation is simple if we look at the math. Citizen John Q. Average gets his first job in 1972. At that time, he earns an average salary, about $7500 per year. That also means that he pays an average amount of about $550 per year of social security taxes. Flash forward 40 years. John Q. Average has now reached retirement age and begins taking his Social Security payments. Because of inflation, his first monthly check is over $1200. He receives more money in benefits in his first month than what he paid in his first two years! In his first two years, he will receive as much in benefits as he paid in his first 20 years. Because of the number of people that died before retirement age in the past and the baby boom,Social Security almost got away with this formula. That doesn't work anymore.
Since the time that John Q. Average started working, both wages and Social Security taxes have increased to address the solvency problem. The math still doesn't work. Young Susie Q. Public, who begins work this year, will pay about $2800/yr. in Social Security taxes (including her employer match). If both inflation and Social Security benefits continue over the next 40 years as in the last 40 years, Susie's first monthly payment will be $7200. Again, she will get more in her first month than she paid in her first two years. We could reduce John's and Susie's benefits. John's $1200/month in 2012 probably buys less than his grandfather's $200/month benefit did in 1972, especially of the items seniors buy most, food, fuel and medical care. The problem with that is John and Susie should be able to expect a return after paying for all of those years.
One of the keys to getting Social Security and Medicare costs under control is to control inflation. Without inflation, John would get the same $200/month that his grandfather did. That means that it would take three months for him to get back one year's worth of contributions. His first twenty year's of contributions would make payments for almost five years. By that time, natural attrition would make funding of future payments more likely. As a Conscious Conservative, I can't believe that Social Security will ever be more than a Ponzi scheme unless the government first fixes inflation.
The problem with inflation is simple if we look at the math. Citizen John Q. Average gets his first job in 1972. At that time, he earns an average salary, about $7500 per year. That also means that he pays an average amount of about $550 per year of social security taxes. Flash forward 40 years. John Q. Average has now reached retirement age and begins taking his Social Security payments. Because of inflation, his first monthly check is over $1200. He receives more money in benefits in his first month than what he paid in his first two years! In his first two years, he will receive as much in benefits as he paid in his first 20 years. Because of the number of people that died before retirement age in the past and the baby boom,Social Security almost got away with this formula. That doesn't work anymore.
Since the time that John Q. Average started working, both wages and Social Security taxes have increased to address the solvency problem. The math still doesn't work. Young Susie Q. Public, who begins work this year, will pay about $2800/yr. in Social Security taxes (including her employer match). If both inflation and Social Security benefits continue over the next 40 years as in the last 40 years, Susie's first monthly payment will be $7200. Again, she will get more in her first month than she paid in her first two years. We could reduce John's and Susie's benefits. John's $1200/month in 2012 probably buys less than his grandfather's $200/month benefit did in 1972, especially of the items seniors buy most, food, fuel and medical care. The problem with that is John and Susie should be able to expect a return after paying for all of those years.
One of the keys to getting Social Security and Medicare costs under control is to control inflation. Without inflation, John would get the same $200/month that his grandfather did. That means that it would take three months for him to get back one year's worth of contributions. His first twenty year's of contributions would make payments for almost five years. By that time, natural attrition would make funding of future payments more likely. As a Conscious Conservative, I can't believe that Social Security will ever be more than a Ponzi scheme unless the government first fixes inflation.
Friday, March 23, 2012
EU Will Penalize Germany for Protecting Civil Rights
The European Union has given Germany an ultimatum that it must enact a law to comply with the Data Retention Directive. The Directive says that all E.U. countries must store telecommunications data about phone calls, e-mails, text messages and other electronic transmissions and allow law enforcement agencies to access that data. The German Constitutional Court has ruled that such a law is unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy. Courts in Romania and the Czech Republic have also ruled the law violates their constitutions. The E.U. has given Germany one month to enact the law or face legal and financial consequences.
As a Conscious Conservative, I see this series of events as a shocking reminder as to why the United States cannot afford to get involved with a North American Union or a organization like it. Imagine having your internet search history turned over to Mexican or Canadian authorities for some reason known only to them. The citizens in Germany now have a tough decision to make. Do they give up their privacy to multi-national will or do they pay a protection fee to keep their privacy intact.
As a Conscious Conservative, I see this series of events as a shocking reminder as to why the United States cannot afford to get involved with a North American Union or a organization like it. Imagine having your internet search history turned over to Mexican or Canadian authorities for some reason known only to them. The citizens in Germany now have a tough decision to make. Do they give up their privacy to multi-national will or do they pay a protection fee to keep their privacy intact.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ron Paul Says NO to Secret Service
Ron Paul told Jay Leno this week that he does not want Secret Service protection. He stated that he sees such protection as a form of "welfare" and that candidates should provide their own protection.
As a Conscious Conservative, I find this to be a tricky issue. I applaud Dr. Paul for protecting himself and not spending taxpayer money. I also realize that there are a lot of dangerous people in the world and would hate for something to happen to any of the candidates.
As a Conscious Conservative, I find this to be a tricky issue. I applaud Dr. Paul for protecting himself and not spending taxpayer money. I also realize that there are a lot of dangerous people in the world and would hate for something to happen to any of the candidates.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Conservative View of The Dog and Pony Show
As I write this, an internet search for "United States 2012 Election News" brings up some interesting stories. One is about a poll that explores how many Americans want politicians to talk about religion. Another tells about Mitt Romney and an "Etch a Sketch" campaign. Another reports the launching of a new Political Action Committee (PAC). There is another about how much money Barack Obama is raising for his campaign and one about who former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is endorsing (hint: it's Mitt Romney). Although these stories have some interest, the big question about all of these is: Who Cares? These articles only serve to draw the public's attention away from the real issues of this election.
As a Conscious Conservative, I believe that here are only five questions which a presidential candidate must answer in this or just about any other election.
1. How are you going to respect my body and property?
We now have a government that spies on its own citizens, can imprison them indefinitely or kill them without trial and takes their property to give it to a private business interest. This question is far more important than which famous person endorses a candidate.
2. What do you believe about Taxes?
By some estimates, the United States Tax code is over 15,000 pages long. Why? Because it is designed less to raise revenue than it is to control behavior and grant favors to political supporters. This is more important than an "Etch a Sketch" comment.
3. How are you going to handle the issue of Us vs. Them?
Typical political strategy in Washington D.C. is to divide and conquer. Pit women against men, rural vs. urban, young vs. old, rich vs. poor, etc... We need a President who refuses to categorize people. This is more important than a candidates's religion. In fact,a candidate stating a religion is just more Us vs. Them rhetoric.
4. How will you protect the US Dollar?
Inflation has been the largest curse that government has inflicted on the American people in the last 50 years. Households have to earn more than ten times what they used to in order to keep the same standard of living. People find that their life savings are worthless. This is more important than how many donations a candidate is receiving.
5. How will you restore faith in the election process?
Voter turnout for Federal Elections hovers around 50%, even during Presidential election years. The President needs to do everything in their power to assure people that their vote matters. This would include advocating open ballots and working more to help the United States than to win re-election. Fair elections are more important than who supports which PAC.
You almost never hear candidates talking about these issues. They prefer to dodge real issues for easy fluff. The press also fails to do its job for not asking these questions. What is left is gossip, innuendo and a Dog and Pony Show.
Conservative View Inflation Has Gone Insane
I pulled up to the pump to buy some gasoline today. The price was $3.85 a gallon. The gallon of milk I bought earlier in the week was $2.69. Mailing a package cost me almost $25.00. Compare that with these prices from 1962:
Gallon of Gasoline $0.31
Gallon of Milk $0.49
First Class Stamp $0.04
What causes the difference in prices? The value of the US Dollar is disappearing because of inflation. In its simplest terms, inflation is caused when a money issuing institution, in this case the United States government, creates more money than is justified by the wealth of that institution.
Why would the United States want to print more money than is justified? As a Conscious Conservative, I believe that one answer is that in an environment where money is worth less and less, whoever gets the money first gets the most value from it. In the United States, that means that the government and bankers get the most use from each dollar and wage earners get the least. Basically, government creates and spends the dollar when it is still worth a dollar, but by the time it ends up in a worker's paycheck, it is only worth $0.90 in an environment of hyperinflation. This is an incipient "hidden tax" that Americans have been paying since the mid-20th century. That we put up with it is insane.
Gallon of Gasoline $0.31
Gallon of Milk $0.49
First Class Stamp $0.04
What causes the difference in prices? The value of the US Dollar is disappearing because of inflation. In its simplest terms, inflation is caused when a money issuing institution, in this case the United States government, creates more money than is justified by the wealth of that institution.
Why would the United States want to print more money than is justified? As a Conscious Conservative, I believe that one answer is that in an environment where money is worth less and less, whoever gets the money first gets the most value from it. In the United States, that means that the government and bankers get the most use from each dollar and wage earners get the least. Basically, government creates and spends the dollar when it is still worth a dollar, but by the time it ends up in a worker's paycheck, it is only worth $0.90 in an environment of hyperinflation. This is an incipient "hidden tax" that Americans have been paying since the mid-20th century. That we put up with it is insane.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Arizona Attempts to Limit Voters Choice
A new law went into effect in Arizona that permanently entrenches the Republican and Democratic parties in that state. The law states that voter registration forms allow people to check a box which registers them as “Republican,” “Democrat,” or “Other.” People that check “Other” are allowed to express a party preference on a line near the boxes. However, in practice, officials at government offices do not recognize registration with minor parties, claiming that “Other” means independent or not affiliated. This is important, because whether political parties in Arizona are allowed to have candidates on the ballot is based on how many people register to vote as members of their party.
Arizona already has a problem that because of historical factors, many districts of the state have a vast majority of registered Republicans and other districts have a vast majority of registered Democrats. Because of this, there is a tacit agreement that one party will not run a candidate against the other party in many races. That leaves the Republican or Democratic candidate unopposed unless a member of another party places someone on the ballot. If minor parties are not allowed to run candidates, the Republicans and Democrats can divide Arizona like a pie at Thanksgiving dinner. The Arizona Libertarian Party and the Arizona Green Party have filed a lawsuit.
The person responsible for this legislation was Frank Atenori, a Republican State Senator from the Tucson area. When asked about the choice of only being able to register for two parties, he responded, "They didn't want 15 million party boxes on there because there's no room," Frank Antenori is now running for Congress. As a Conscious Conservative, I believe that there is no room for Frank Attenori in the United States government. Lt’s hope that someone will be allowed on the ballot to run against him.
Contact Frank Attenori and make your feelings known:
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Why Does Missouri Hate Ron Paul Supporters?
Reports come from a Missouri Republican caucus that two Ron Paul supporters have been arrested for "trespassing." It appears that here were concerns that the Missouri Republican Party hierarchy supported Rick Santorum. Reports are vague, but it appears that the St Charles County caucus degraded into a shouting match after both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney supporters disputed the selection of the caucus chairperson. At this time, it appears that no Romney supporters were arrested. This is not the first time that Missouri Police have targeted Paul supporters.
In 2009, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a regional partnership of agencies set up by the Department of Homeland Security, released a report entitled "The Modern Militia Movement." This report was sent to police departments across Missouri. The report told police officers to view people who displayed "Political Paraphernalia" supporting Ron Paul as potential militia members. It hinted that Paul supporters are like the Oklahoma City Bomber, the Atlanta Olympics Bomber and dozens of others involved in criminal conspiracies.
As a Conscious Conservative, I have to be suspicious of activities in Missouri. How does a political candidate run a campaign when his supporters are automatically classified as terrorists?
Smith Reveals Least of Problems At Goldman Sachs
Greg Smith recently raised hackles at Goldman Sachs with his very public resignation and critique. While Smith brings up major problems with the culture of the firm, he does not touch on the how the Goldman culture affects the rest of us. Smith describes two internal cultural themes that led him to his resignation. In his opinion, a prevailing attitude at Goldman Sachs says that how much money they make from each customer is more important than how much money they make for each customer. Smith also says that Goldman promotes management based on how much money they make on deals, rather than their ideas or management skills. While these aspects of culture may be bad for Goldman Sachs the firm, it is another Goldman cultural norm that is dangerous for the United States as a country. The Goldman culture supports the idea that Goldman has both the need and the authority to manipulate the United States government.
Many large companies in America lobby the government, but Goldman Sachs makes other company's efforts look amateurish. Goldman donates to campaigns and gives big. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the firm donated over $3 million to various candidates, with Mitt Romney and Barack Obama being the largest recipients. Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein and other employees also gave Barack Obama a combined $1 million for his campaign. Goldman Sachs also peppers the government with former employees. Other companies have former employees in government, but none seem to be able to get into the White House the way Goldman can. Bush famously had Henry Paulson as his Secretary of the Treasury. In the Obama administration, Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, Commodity Futures Trading Commission head Gary Gensler, TARP administrator Mark Patterson and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers all got a paycheck from Goldman at one time or another. Goldman also rewards government officials with lucrative jobs. CBS News reported in 2010 that there were at least four dozen people that went back and forth between positions with various governments and Goldman.
I could jump on the bandwagon about the evil culture at Goldman Sachs. Goldman is definitely the king of crony capitalism. However, Goldman only takes advantage of a system created by Politicians to enhance government officials' power and privilege. As a Conscious Conservative, I believe the people to be held accountable is those same Politicians. We need to make a Goldman Sachs campaign contribution as toxic as the assets from which Goldman made a fortune.
Friday, March 16, 2012
John Edwards Campaign Highlights Problem With Public Funding
John Edwards' presidential campaign has been asked to pay back over $2 million that was given to it by the Federal Elections Commission. Does the now four year-old campaign even have any money left? John Edwards' situation shows a huge problem with public financing of campaigns. Take the Edwards' problem. Add the fact that those in power control who gets public funding. Throw in a little bit of campaign finance laws like McCain-Feingold. Now you have a poison that kills democracy and makes sure that incumbents and/or their associates stay in power.
In the case of John Edwards, if he wants to spend private donations for hair cuts or mistresses, it's nobody's business but his and his donors. If Edwards misuses public money as part of the campaign process, it becomes a problem for everyone.
People say that private companies use campaign funds to "buy" politicians. Don't public funds do the same? I think that I would rather have a candidate that was "bought" by General Electric than by the Republican and Democratic national committees.
Campaign finance reform is set up by Republicans and Democrats to make sure that people of whom they don't approve cannot run realistic campaigns. The person down the street cannot use their own money, or that of friends and neighbors to start a political party or run for office. The incumbent can spend $billions of OUR money to put their name on buildings, airports and pork projects. They also use OUR money to send us annoying letters and post cards that tell us what a wonderful job they are doing. Public funding of campaigns and campaign finance reform destroy representative government as we know it.
The presidential campaign to receive federal matching funds in 2012 was the campaign of Buddy Roemer for President. According to the Buddy Roemer web site, he is a long shot candidate for the Republican nomination who has not participated in any debates or done any campaigning. In February, Buddy received his first installment of $100,000. As a Conscious Conservative, I believe that is a waste of taxpayers money.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Is The Fix In For Romney?
I just read an article that said Rick Santorum won the Southern States this week, but that Mitt Romney was still the victor for the week because he won the South Pacific. Really? Hawaii is the only state in the South Pacific. Although I have nothing but respect for my friends and fellow citizens from the Islands, the Pacific Island Nations are sovereign protectorates that do not participate in the Electoral College.
It appears that the Republican Party and the Press have been pulling strings for Romney from the very beginning. First, Romney won Iowa, then he didn't. He was projected to win South Carolina, even though he didn't. The Ron Paul campaign disputes the Nevada results. Romney was declared the winner of Maine on February 11th, even though the voting wasn't supposed to be over until March 3rd. About this time, some outlets started declaring him the "winner" of the nomination, even though Romney only had 10% of the delegates needed and not all of them were definitely pledged to his campaign. Romney then won his home state of Michigan, or maybe he didn't, but the Michigan Republican hierarchy voted to give it to him anyway.
As a Conscious Conservative, I realize that the caucus/primary system is very complex and that some elections are hard to call from early returns. However, it appears that every benefit of the doubt from the Press and the various Republican Committees goes to Mitt Romney. It sure makes it look like the fix is in.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
No Longer Your Father's Libertarian Party
Today the Libertarian Party (LP) sent a broadcast e-mail to its members which announced the creation of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee (LNCC). The creation of this organization marks a turning point in Libertarian history. Up until this point, the Party has tended to run "educational" campaigns, whose goal was as much to spread small-government philosophy as it was to win elections. Wayne Allen Root,a former Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate is acting as the committee's chairman.
Root stated in an attached video that this is "No Longer Your Father's LP." He calls himself a "Capitalist Evangelist" and promises to lead libertarian candidates to victory. The LNCC is planning to act like similar branches of the Republican and Democratic Parties and become a fundraising machine for LP candidates. As a Conscious Conservative who has followed Libertarian politics for a long time, i will be interesting to see how this project works.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Conservative Required Viewing -- Moyers and Company “Crony Capitalism”
In this show which has aired several times recently on Public Broadcasting, Bill Moyers talks with former Reagan Administration budget chief David Stockman about 'crony capitalism.' It shows enlightening revelations about the relationship of the banking industry and the White House.
Encore Broadcast: On Crony Capitalism from on Vimeo.
Encore Broadcast: On Crony Capitalism from on Vimeo.
In the second part of this show, Moyers talks with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gretchen Morgenson. She explains how corporations influence the political process as outlined in her new book.
This episode of Moyers & Company should be required viewing for all Americans and should definitely be viewed by every Conscious Conservative.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Conservative Movie News, Atlas Shrugged: Part II
According to several sources, Atlas Shregged: Part I was successful enough that Atlas Shrugged Part II is scheduled for production. Part II is scheduled to be released in time for the 2012 Presidential Election according to The Hollywood Reporter .
Production of Atlas Shrugged: Part II is expected to begin in April. A teaser trailer has already been made.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Conservative Movie Review -- Game Change
I watched the HBO film Game Change last night. It had the top production values and dramatic qualities one would expect from an HBO film. However, it required too much suspension of belief to be taken seriously.
Based on the book of the same name by Mark Halperin, the movie puts its focus on the campaign of John McCain and even more narrowly, examines the choice of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. I have been around many campaigns and politicians. I'll admit that politicians in general are by nature self-centered. I've also known some that weren't very bright. Like professional fighters, candidates also have to have some bi-polar psychological characteristics,whipping themselves into a manic frenzy of positive energy and activity up until Election Day, only to crash the day after.
Still, the movie Game Change portrayed Palin as a cartoon character. Nobody could be as self-centered, ignorant and unstable as the Palin character and become the Governor of a state. As a Conscious Conservative, I was no fan of the McCain/Palin ticket. In many ways, Obama is more conservative than either of them. However, I also do not believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin are as simple as this movie shows.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
GAO Report: Taxpayers Bailed Out Banks Again
I don't know if I can say I feel completely vindicated, but what I have been telling friends, family members and co-workers for almost three years is turning out to be true. A recent report from The Government Accountability Office (GAO) states a large portion of the money which has been "repaid" in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) comes from other taxpayer funded programs.
It was bad enough that banks took money from the Feds, lent it back in the form of T-bills and government bonds, gave back the principal and kept the taxpayer funded interest as profit. Now it appears that they also used grant money and low interest loans designed for other programs (like small business development) to "pay back" TARP. I don't see how anyone who calls themselves a Conservative can stand for this. It should be the NUMBER ONE issue of this year's presidential campaign.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Conservative Book List --- What's Howard Galt Reading?
Blood and Thunder: The Epic Story of Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West, by Hampton Sides is an excellent book for anyone who wants to know more about the Old West. Centered around military action in New Mexico and California, Sides also discusses the importance of Kit Carson and various Indian Nations in the shaping of America's history. Special attention is given to the Navajo Nation, whose defense of their sacred land is one of the great stories of American history.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Another Conservative View of TSA Nude Body Scanners
This video shows another government program that doesn't meet it's stated objective, but takes away civil liberties.
The original article can be viewed at:
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Ron Paul, Conservative Values
I rated Ron Paul on the Conscious Conservative Scale (see earlier posts). It appears that Dr. Paul scores:
90 points -- Conservative
Ron appears to favor a free labor force and ending the Estate Tax. He seems to favor abolishing the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve. Paul has spoken against the Inheritance Tax. However, Ron Paul favors government meddling in personal issues, if done at the local level. Ron Paul is much more conservative than Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. He can really be called A Conscious Conservative.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Is Rick Santorum As Conservative As He Seems?
I rated Rick Santorum on the Conscious Conservative Scale (see earlier posts). It appears that Mr. Santorum scores:
55 points -- Moderate
Rick appears to favor a free labor force and ending the Estate Tax. He seems to favor a Progressive Income Tax and the Federal Reserve. Santorum has spoken against the infamous Kelo decision. However, Rick Santorum favors the Patriot Act, waffles on the issue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and supports all sorts of government meddling in personal issues. Rick Santorum is more conservative than Mitt Romney and slightly more conservative than Newt Gingrich, but he can't really be called A Conscious Conservative.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Is Mitt Romney A Conservative?
I rated Mitt Romney on the Conscious Conservative Scale (see earlier posts). It appears that Mitt Romney scores:
35 points -- Moderate
Mitt appears to favor a free labor force and ending the Estate Tax. However, he just wants to tinker with the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve. Romney said in New Hampshire that eminent domain is fine for "public purposes." As a business person, he appears to be in favor of a Free Market and of little interference in the relationship between business and labor. However, Mitt Romney favors the Patriot Act and supports all sorts of government meddling in housing and personal issues. He's more conservative than Obama, but less than Gingrich and he really can't be called A Conscious Conservative.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Newt Gingrich Conservative?
I rated Newt Gingrich on the Conscious Conservative Scale. It appears that Newt Gingrich scores:
50 points -- Moderate
Newt appears to favor a free labor force and ending the Estate Tax. It also appears that he is skeptical of eminent domain. However, he just wants to tinker with the Income Tax, Federal Reserve and Department of Education. Gingrich says he likes Free Markets, except for the energy and food supplies, which probably affect more people than any other markets. He favors the Patriot Act and supports all sorts of social meddling by government. He's more conservative than Obama, but he can't really be called A Conscious Conservative.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
How Conservative Is Barack Obama?
I rated our current POTUS on the Conscious Conservative Scale (see previous posts) to determine how conservative Barack Obama rates. You can see the conservative principles on the right of this page. I am including notes so that people can see how I use the scale. I plan to rate the GOP candidates in upcoming posts.
1. PRIVATE PROPERTY: Obama wrote in his book Audacity of Hope, "Our Constitution places the ownership of private property at the very heart of our system of liberty..." I think he really believes in property rights, but is ignorant to how his tax, monetary and economic policies undermine those rights. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. 10 points
2. INCOME TAX: President Obama has affirmed his belief in the Income Tax on many occasions. He has advocated increasing it for certain groups. 0 points
3. INHERITANCE: In a statement on 12/06/10, the President said, "Republicans have asked for a more generous treatment of the estate tax than I think is warranted."
0 points
4. EMINENT DOMAIN: Barack Obama put forth what has been called the "largest expansion of federally protected wilderness." 0 points
5. CENTRAL BANKING: "President Obama may talk a good populist game and even kick some corporate butt when he goes on the attack against Wall Street “fat cats.” Yet he still enjoys the company of bankers..." from the Moyers and Company episode Crony Capitalism. 0 points
6. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ASSEMBLY, TRAVEL: He signed an extension of the Patriot Act and signed the National Defense Authorization Act. Need I say more. 0 points
7. FREE ENTERPRISE: According to the Bloomberg News Service, "Obama's White House approved 613 federal rules during the first 33 months of his term.." To his credit, he regulated business less than either Bush the Elder or Bush the Younger had by the same point in their term of office.
5 points
8. LABOR RIGHTS: Barack Obama supported the Employee Free Choice Act,which in standard Washington, D.C. fashion meant just the opposite, He has also went on record as wanting to outlaw contract labor and raise the minimum wage. 0 points
9. FREE MARKET HOUSING: Obama keeps supporting policies that pervert the housing market and get in the way of a recovery (rental assistance, tax breaks, mortgage assistance). He does at least say he wants to get rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For that he gets-- 5 points
10. EDUCATION: As part of his Hope and Change agenda, Barack Obama said the he wants to spend federal money for "Early Childhood Education for every child in America." 0 points
OVERALL SCORE-- 20 points (Out of 100)
It appears that President Obama scores pretty liberal. I don't think he would be surprised by that.
1. PRIVATE PROPERTY: Obama wrote in his book Audacity of Hope, "Our Constitution places the ownership of private property at the very heart of our system of liberty..." I think he really believes in property rights, but is ignorant to how his tax, monetary and economic policies undermine those rights. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. 10 points
2. INCOME TAX: President Obama has affirmed his belief in the Income Tax on many occasions. He has advocated increasing it for certain groups. 0 points
3. INHERITANCE: In a statement on 12/06/10, the President said, "Republicans have asked for a more generous treatment of the estate tax than I think is warranted."
0 points
4. EMINENT DOMAIN: Barack Obama put forth what has been called the "largest expansion of federally protected wilderness." 0 points
5. CENTRAL BANKING: "President Obama may talk a good populist game and even kick some corporate butt when he goes on the attack against Wall Street “fat cats.” Yet he still enjoys the company of bankers..." from the Moyers and Company episode Crony Capitalism. 0 points
6. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ASSEMBLY, TRAVEL: He signed an extension of the Patriot Act and signed the National Defense Authorization Act. Need I say more. 0 points
7. FREE ENTERPRISE: According to the Bloomberg News Service, "Obama's White House approved 613 federal rules during the first 33 months of his term.." To his credit, he regulated business less than either Bush the Elder or Bush the Younger had by the same point in their term of office.
5 points
8. LABOR RIGHTS: Barack Obama supported the Employee Free Choice Act,which in standard Washington, D.C. fashion meant just the opposite, He has also went on record as wanting to outlaw contract labor and raise the minimum wage. 0 points
9. FREE MARKET HOUSING: Obama keeps supporting policies that pervert the housing market and get in the way of a recovery (rental assistance, tax breaks, mortgage assistance). He does at least say he wants to get rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For that he gets-- 5 points
10. EDUCATION: As part of his Hope and Change agenda, Barack Obama said the he wants to spend federal money for "Early Childhood Education for every child in America." 0 points
OVERALL SCORE-- 20 points (Out of 100)
It appears that President Obama scores pretty liberal. I don't think he would be surprised by that.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Conservative Book List
A Couple of Books About the Central Intelligence Agency
Was war with Iraq inevitable from the moment Bush the Younger became president?
There is a section towards the end of this book that I find especially interesting. It refers to the CIA as a type of "Yale Men's Club" and discusses heavy recruiting of personnel from that institution and a culture of Yale superiority. Given the number of people who have recently been either the POTUS or runner-up for that position that come from Yale and it's Ivy League cohorts, Harvard and Columbia, I must wonder. Is there some type of psyops operation? Maybe certain elements within the CIA operate a little closer to home than we may like?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Why The Post Office Struggles -- A Conscious Conservative View
I wanted to mail a package this week but I had a slight problem. I was going to be in an unfamiliar part of the city and didn't know where to find a Post Office. I did what I thought was the most logical thing. I went to the United States Postal Service web site to find a location in that neighborhood.
What I thought would be simple was not. I clicked on the "find locations" button and entered the Zip Code where I was going to be that day. I expected to find the Post Office that services that Zip Code. I did not. Instead, the Post Office displayed every place that sold stamps in that area. Being that I was in a large city, just about every place sold stamps. The list had restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets, banks and office supply stores. I was no closer to finding a Post Office.
I refined my search to find only "Automated Postal Centers®." Eureka! I found a Post Office that I thought was near to where I was going. I clicked on the map and found something was wrong. The map showed that the Post Office was on the other side of town. I was familiar with the neighborhood on the map and knew there was not a Post Office near that location. It appears that the United States Postal Service cannot tell me where its own offices are located. Every business makes mistakes, but if the Post Office cannot give you an address, who can? Doesn't the Postal Service assign everybody's address?
I finally went to a private source; Google Maps. I was able to find the local Post Office. Not only that, but I could see the Post Office on satellite, see what businesses were nearby and get driving directions to the Post Office. I mailed my package later that day and was happy.
I find this to be a microcosm of private vs. government efficiency. The private source delivers not only what the customer wants, but offers extras, quickly and efficiently. The government source can't even tell you where they are located.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Conservative Book List --- What's Howard Reading?
This week. I just finished this book by Larry Schweikert:
I also am getting some laughs from this book by David Brenner:
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In the intricate dance of democracy, one of the most nefarious partners to emerge in recent centuries is gerrymandering. Picture this: a sha...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is responsible for enforcing tax laws in the United States. While the vast majority of IRS activities are...
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You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...