Monday, January 18, 2016

Ted Cruz NOT as Conservative as His Supporter's Think

As of now, the press is lauding Ted Cruz as contender for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States.  This leads us to wonder if Mr. Cruz’s views are conservative.  Let’s put him to our Conscious Conservative test.  How does Mr. Cruz score on the Conscious Conservative rating system.

---Does he respect private property?  It's hard to tell. He has made statements that he is in favor of private property, except when it gets in the way of oil pipelines.  0 POINTS

---How about the Income Tax?  Mr. Cruz falls in the “reform” camp.  He supports a "flat tax."  0 POINTS

---Where is Ted Cruz on inheritance tax?  He has doesn't specifically state on his web site.  However, it appears that in the past he has voted against increasing the inheritance tax and stated he supports eliminating it.  10 POINTS

--What are his beliefs about confiscating private property for public use?  He doesn’t appear to mind confiscating property for public use.  0 POINTS

---What about banking?  Ted Cruz appears to be firmly in the audit The Fed camp and has made statements against the US Import-Export bank.  He has not mentioned a plan to eliminate central banking..  5 POINTS

---Ted Cruz on free speech, assembly and travel-- Mr. Cruz makes a display about fighting for Christian speech, but it is doubtful where he would stand on more unpopular speech.  I’m also going to deduct some points because he wants to build a wall around the United States.  0 POINTS

---Is Mr. Cruz a Free Enterprise advocate?  He states he would like to get rid of several government agencies.  He does however seem to have supported subsidizing some industries in the past.  5 POINTS

---About Ted Cruz and the free exchange of labor and services—He appears to give at least lip service to small business deregulation.  10 POINTS

---What is Mr. Cruz’s record on freedom of living quarters?  He does appear to wish to get rid of HUD and some government housing restrictions.  10 POINTS

---Education-- Ted Cruz has pledged to eliminate the Department of Education.  He appears to want to return education to a decision that is made locally.  10 POINTS


That is a Moderate score that has him leaning towards Liberal views. 
How does he rank compared to other prominent politicians?

Ron Paul            90 POINTS
Rick Santorum  55 POINTS
Ted Cruz           50 POINTS
Newt Gingrich   50 POINTS
Mitt Romney     35 POINTS
Donald Trump  35 POINTS
Barack Obama  20 POINTS

Mr. Cruz is definitely not a Conscious Conservative.   

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  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...