We have an opportunity this election that hasn't come along in recent memory. This year there are 10 candidates for President of the United States that are either on the ballot or are registered as a write-in candidate in enough states to win the election. That frees you from "holding your nose" and voting for one of the two most horrible candidates that the Republican and Democratic parties have ever offered the American people.
Here is a quick summary:
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson will appear on the ballot in every state.
Jill Stein is on enough basllots to win and will be on the ballot or can be a write-in candidate in every state except Nevada, Oklahoma and South Dakota.
Darrell Castle is on the ballot in enough states to win and will be on the ballot or can be a write-in candidate in all states except California, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Oklahoma.
Evan McMullin is on the ballot and can be a write-in candidate in 42 states.
Lawrence Kotlikoff is on the ballot or can be a write-in candidate in 37 states.
Tom Hoefling is on the ballot or can be a write-in candidate in 36 states.
Rocky De La Fuente is on the ballot or can be a write-in candidate in 33 states.

I've heard many people say they won't vote for President this election because both of the mainstream candidates are so disgusting. I've also heard people say that they are going to vote for the lessor of two evils because they feel they don't have a choice. YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE!! In many states you have 10 choices. Take the time to find out which candidates are eligible to receive your vote on the ballot or be written in where you live. Then research those candidates and vote for the one that best supports your vision for the future of the United States. If you like Trump or Clinton the best, then fine. However, don't be one of the sheeple who are bullied by the Republicans or Democrats into voting for their candidate by fear the other may get elected. The United States is still a country "of the people, by the people and for the people." This is the election to show the power brokers that the people still rule.
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