Why are ad valorem taxes more desirable? Ad valorem taxes were much more voluntary. There is no requirement that a person or business import goods from other countries, or sell alcohol or tobacco, to survive. In the modern world, people need some form of income to survive. Taxing income in the 21st Century is like taxing breathing or eating. Ad valorem taxes also can be designed to match the tax to the government service more closely. An example of this was when highways were funded with taxes on gasoline and vehicles. More gasoline and vehicles purchased meant both more need to build highways and more revenue to build highways. Not only is taxing somebody who walks everywhere to build a highway they will never use unjust, it leads to decisions like the famous "Bridge to Nowhere Scandal."
The time is now to transition the United States back to its roots. For 170 years, ad valorem, not income taxes, were the primary funding mechanism for the federal government. It should be so again.
Excellent piece! Straight to the point (which no Democrat can do). Taxes in general are too high! Especially in Democrat-run states. Look at California. Anyone I know who lives in California complains about this issue relentlessly.