Saturday, September 28, 2013

Conscious Conservatives Can Back Atlas Shrugged WHO IS JOHN GALT?

The new Atlas Shrugged movie, “Who is John Galt?”, is heading into production with release slated for 2014. The Atlas Shrugged production team has started a Kickstarter campaign.  

The movie is actually already fully funded. The Atlas Shrugged Movie Kickstarter campaign is not so much about money as it is about marketing.

 Instead of a piece of the profit, the Atlas Shrugged production team is offering prizes to small supporters, like t-shirts a way onto the set or even being an extra in the film!

Atlas Shrugged Kickstarter FAQ

What is Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is an online platform which affords people the opportunity to contribute money to a project and earn a "reward" in return. 

Isn’t asking for charity antithetical to Ayn Rand’s philosophy?

Ayn Rand had no problem with someone giving money to a cause they care about. If someone deems a cause worthy and wants to donate money, they should be free to do it. Read more...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Conscious Conservative View of The Phoenix Writers Club

     I had the pleasure yesterday of visiting the monthly meeting of The Phoenix Writers Club.  I met many wonderful people there and learned about all sorts of fascinating books.

     I learned about Durant's, a historic Phoenix restaurant, from Mabel Leo.

     Patricia Brooks talked about how to promote a 2nd. edition of a book.

     Graham Smith told some funny stories from his book.

     I met a wonderful lady who named Evangeline Colbert, who helps infertile couples and wrote a book of daily devotionals.

     There were so many other wonderful people there, that I don't have the space to mention them all.

     Thank you to everyone who was there.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome Friends From the Millionaire Mind Intensive

  I just wanted to write a brief post to thank all of the fabnormal people I met this past weekend at The Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar in Glendale, Arizona.  I had a wonderful time.

  As I told some of you, I would like to keep the energy going by attending or setting up regular meetings.  I heard about one that is already going.   I will check out that one within the next 10 days.  If that meeting doesn't work out, I plan to start a new one.

Any of you from the seminar that want to contact me via e-mail can do so at

Good Luck and remember:

You Have a Millionaire Mind!!!! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Obama's Most Serious Scandal Gets Lost In Shuffle

     Several news and opinion sources have been broadcasting several scandals about the Obama administration over the last few weeks.  It appears that the most serious scandal has been lost in the shuffle.  Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that stated that the United States has killed four American citizens via remote control drones.  One of these, Abdul Rahman Anwar al-Awlaki, was a child.  Only one, Jude Kenan Mohammed, had any type of legal hearing.  Mohammed was indicted (not convicted) of various conspiracy charges in 2009.
     The mainstream press and even the talking heads seem relatively silent in light of this revelation.  Yes, the IRS and the Benghazi scandals are important.  However, as a Conscious Conservative, I believe the execution of American citizens without due process strikes at the heart of what the United States of America is all about.  We take years and spend millions of dollars to make sure that criminals who have been convicted of heinous acts are not wrongfully executed  This is as it should be.  The cornerstone of what makes the United States a great nation is the concept that all are equal in the eyes of the law and all have a right to, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  A murderer convicted by a jury of his peers gets the benefit of that protection.  Why shouldn't a citizen who is targeted by the administration have the same benefit?

     Just as when Roosevelt rounded up Japanese and Italian Americans, stole their land and put them in camps, the current administration seems to be banking on the fact that those who were killed all have foreign sounding names.  It seems like somebody named Barrack Hussein Obama II should know better.  


  You may be A Conscious Conservative if you believe: No person or government has a right to take or use a person's property without t...